Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our New Blog

Ok. So I am trying to simplify our life. So instead of 2 blogs to keep up with I have decided to just keep 1 & put everything on it. It will be easier for everyone.

Jackson started Spring baseball today. We had or were supposed to have practice this morning. We got ready & loaded everyone up but when we got there Coach said it was canceled. Jackson was bummed. So, Jason told Jackson that tomorrow they are gonna go practice. I am so ready for ball.

Nathan is finally starting to sit up on his own. He will only do it for a few minutes & then fall over but he's trying. He loves his brother. Jackson will walk in the room & Nathan grins ear to ear. I have to send Jackson out of the room just to get Nathan to eat or nap. It is very sweet.

For those that don't already know but Jason is now at the courthouse. He is no longer working the jail. Which is good because he has weekends off. Yeah!!! He worked juvenile court for about 3 weeks then they moved him to superior court. I guess he is doing pretty good.

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