Sunday, February 15, 2009

Funny Things

Everyday Jackson says something else that makes Jason & I laugh. So I thought I would write them down, so I don't forget them and to share with family.

  • He loves to sing. It amazes me that he can hear the beginning of a song & know what it is. He loves Chicken Fried & Country Boy. Ask him to sing Country Boy, you will laugh.

  • The other day at dinner I asked him if he wanted an apple or banana with his dinner. He proceeded to tell me he wanted a banana because he is a monkey & that is what monkeys eat. His nickname is monkey.

  • At Christmas while we were at Nanny's house he came running downstairs & looked a little upset. I asked him what's the matter & his response was "the matter is, I have to go poop & I can't find my potty seat!" Pop's had cleaned the bathroom, not that it needed it, & moved his potty seat to the closet. We all still laugh at this one.

  • Jackson helps alot with Nathan. At times Nathan just will not calm down & Jackson will ask me "What are we gonna do with him?"

  • He is a very literal boy. He does not understand sarcasm at all. We are gonna have to work on that with him. In this family, sarcasm is a must.

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