Monday, February 1, 2010

December 2009

I know this is late. But better late than never. Right? Things have just been crazy. We started the month out with Nathan getting tubes in his ears. It was a very quick surgery. Barb went with me and of course Nathan loved that. He was in a great mood before but when he came back he wasn't very happy. Very cranky until he took a pretty good nap and when he woke from the nap he was the same ole Nathan. Happy & playful. The tubes have been great. No more ear infections!!
We then moved to Jackson's 5th Birthday. 5, really? It just doesn't seem right. My first born is 5. He had his party at Jump for Joey's. This was the 1st year he got to invite all his friends. Baseball & school friends. He was very excited. He got alot of really cool toys & this year he wanted a Lightening McQueen & Mater cake. After his party his friends Brock & Breea got to come over & have his 1st sleepover. They got to stay up a little late to watch a movie & eat popcorn. Then off to bed. They all slept in sleeping bags on Jackson's floor. It took about an hour for them all to go to sleep but that was fine. The next morning we all got up & ate a great breakfast. It was a great way to top off his birthday party weekend.
Next up. Christmas!!! What a Christmas it was. I think this was my best one yet. I can honestly say that there was no drama. Or maybe I didn't see any drama. We had several family parties & then on Christmas Day Nanny, Pops, Uncle Bubbie & Aunt Mara came over. Jason smoked his 1st turkey. He was very nervous but it was awesome!! I was very proud of him and he's only gonna get better at it. We are taking requests for next year so anyone who wants one let us know.
The boys were overwhelmed with gifts. Santa was very good to them. Jackson got drums, skates, nerf gun & cowboy boots from his brother. Jason & I got him a Monster Jam game for the Wii & he has played that everyday since. He is so good at it. Nathan got a tricycle from Santa plus several Elmo & Mickey toys. Jackson asked Santa to bring him an outside toy. Nathan loves it too. He also got his own toy box from Nanny & Pops plus several other things. But the boys favorite gift came from Uncle Bubbie, Aunt Mara, Nanny & Pops. They got a monster truck as Jackson calls it. It's a battery powered 4x4 truck. It even has it's own radio which everyone knows Jackson loves music. They are very cute riding down the road in it. On the weekend after Christmas we went to Alabama. Ate a great dinner & then the boys got to open even more presents. Nathan got a barn with all the animals that are in a barn and 2 Mickey's. He carries both Mickey's everywhere. Jackson got monster trucks & a movie that we have watched several times already. This was just a blessful Christmas.
We then got invited to the Science museum with Brock & Breea. This place is awesome. We will be going back. We spent the entire day there. Jackson was amazed with everything there & it didn't hurt that he got to spend the day with his best friend Brock either. After the museum he got to go home with Brock & spend the night with him. That was extra awesome. (this is what he told me) He had a great time over there & was asked back. Which we all know that means he behaved!!!
Lastly was New Years. We went to Amanda & Greg's. It was a calm but very fun evening. The kids behaved. All 6 of them. (Chase went to his Mom's) The men stayed outside cooking wings and the women played Phase 10. At midnight we all went outside & shot off a few fireworks. Then the men started playing poker & we finished our game. Mason was the 1st to fall asleep at 1:00, Nathan at 1:30. Jackson stayed up until we got home at 2:30. Good Job Jackson!! It was such a relaxing evening with great friends & all our great kids. I am in such amazement what great kids they are turning into, Brennan & Will. I have seen these kids their entire life & they are such awesome people. Mandy, JJ, Amanda, & Greg should be very proud and I know they are. I just wanted to express what great kids they are and how much I love them. I too am proud of them.
Next up 2010. This will be a better year for all. We have alot coming up & I can't wait. Love to all my family & friends. Thanks for being a part of our life. Jason & I are very thankful for you all.
Much Love!!!

Oh yeah-I will get pics up for the month of December as soon as I can.

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