Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July

We had the best 4th of July. We spent it at the beach house in Florida. Which hasn't happen in a few years. We thought leaving early in the morning (4am) would be better for the kids so they could sleep & we could get there early enough to have plenty of sun before it went down. Truck was loaded & each of us picked a kid. As I was putting Jackson in the car he woke up. He did not go back to sleep. He was so excited. Nathan took a few naps. I think Jackson only asked 4-5 thousand times if we were there yet. But we knew that would happen. Overall it was a great trip down.

It was a full house this year. Besides the 4 of us, Uncle Patrick, Aunt Cathy & the kids were there and Ron & his boys. So there were lots of kids which was fun. We spent everyday at the beach. Nathan didn't really care for it but we tried a few times. I think the most we he stayed at the beach was 30 minutes. He'll get better.

On the 4th Jackson entered a kids fishing tournament. He was pumped about this. He borrowed Grammie's fishing pole which he told me was good luck and had plenty of fans. Everyone came to watch him & anyone who has ever been to a fishing tournament knows there isn't much to see. Kids sitting with a pole in their hand waiting for a bite. But that doesn't matter. He was happy everyone came to see him. I explained to him that he might not catch anything, I just wanted him to have fun and Mexico Beach had set this up right. Very organized. Each kid received a hat that Jackson now says is his "fishing hat." They were giving away hot dogs, chips, cookies, water & gatorade. Jackson fished for about an hour & then was ready to go. I can understand. He wasn't catching anything but there were about 100 kids all lined up on the canal so it was hard for anyone to catch. On the way back to the car he told me it was ok he didn't catch anything, he had fun anyway. What a great kid.

The beach, fireworks & BBQ followed the tournament.

The mini-vaca came to an end on Sunday. But that's ok. We are going back at the end of the month!!

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