Friday, August 10, 2012

1st day of school....FOR BOTH!!!

Both kids are now in school. They were up early and ready to go. Jackson started 2nd and this is gonna be a great year. We have a super teacher & I have really good feelings about this year.
Nathan started Pre-K. He was very happy to start school like brother. Mommy wasn't so much. I know he needs to go, it will be good for him and all that. But I am selfish, I can admit it. It's been me & him for 4 years while Jackson was in school. He's my partner in crime. It was hard walking out of his classroom and leaving him at school but I did it. I did cry but not where he could see me. When I picked him up in the afternoon he said he loved it!! Great!!

Nathan's 4th Birthday

My sweet little Nathan is 4. He was very excited about this birthday. He was finally getting out of his baby carseat and into a big boy seat like brother. Me on the other had not so much. 4 means he starts school & this scares me. But I know he will be fine. I just keep telling myself that. His birthday fell on a Saturday but I wasn't much of a planner so his party with his friends came later. On his day we spent the day with family & went swimming. Which if his choice he would swim all day & all night. Little water bug. We had a small Mickey cake & then present time. Aunt Mara always seems to come in with a winner of a gift. This year she got him a Georgia bulldog super hero cape and asseciories. Nathan calls it the Super Dawg cape & it was all I could do to get him to take it off at bedtime. He wore it 3 days straight!! Thanks Tamara, it is awesome!!
This year he wanted a bowling party, not sure why because he doesn't bowl but here ya go Nathan. Since school hasnt started he doesn't have many friends except Jackson's so it was mostly Jackson's friends but that is ok. The most important person was there and no it's not Nanny, lol. It was Savannah. Ms. Savannah is Jackon's friend Zach's sister and Nathan is over the moon for her. He sat at the table beside her and talked her ear off. He just loves her and what is so great is that she listens to him & spends time with him. She is such an awesome young adult.
This past 4 years has gone so fast. I can remember finding out that I was having a boy & I cried. I badly wanted a girl and thought how sad I was that I was having another boy. But from the moment he came into our lives I never thought about him being a girl. Nathan is perfect. He is passionate, loving, handsome, sweet young man. He is a Momma's boy all the way thru. He knows the way to my heart & can't make me crumble to my knees in a second. He is so different from Jackson but has a heart of gold & I am the luckiest Mommy in the world to have him. I can only imagine what's up next for this crazy little man. I got my hands full. Say a little prayer......