Sunday, May 13, 2012

Game Ball

Nathan's ball season has been very different from Jackson's. Nathan is very emotional & at most games over playing. He gets ready & we head to the park & he is very excited but that quickly turns sour. At one game he wouldn't play because we brought his yellow bat (which he has used ALL season, every time!!) & he wanted his red bat (which is too small & he only used it for pictures because it matched his uniform) so we had a major meltdown. He wouldn't play at all. All because of a bat. But the next weekend, he got out on the field & played the best game he has ever played AND get this, when it was his turn to bat he chose the yellow bat. I swear that kid will be the death of me. At the end of the game he even got his 1st game ball for hustling & playing hard. Way to go Nathan!!