Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break!!

Spring has sprung & it couldn't have come at a better time. Jackson needed this break as did Mommy. We stayed home this Spring Break but managed to squeeze in a little fun with our good friend Zach, his Mom & Sister, Savannah. Who if you ask Nathan, Savannah is his girlfriend. It's very cute.

The boys spent the first weekend in Alabama. This was Nathan's first overnight trip & I was a little nervous. For my parents not Nathan. Shockingly they all survived & he wants to go back & spend the night again. Awesome!!

On Monday we went with Zach & hiked Sweetwater Creek Park. They hadn't been there so Jackson took this opportunity to show Zach the woods. They climbed on anything they could find & then played in the cold creek. Poor Savannah got dragged by Nathan all thru the creek, in flip flops no less. She never complained & Nathan was a happy boy.

Wednesday~ Easter Bunny day. I took the boys to the mall to see the Easter Bunny & get our picture taken. Nathan was pretty excited & sang about the bunny all the way there.

Thursday~Bowling Day. They love to bowl & the bowling alley has such a great deal on Thursday it is very hard to pass up. We bowled 1 game but that game took an hour & after that we went for pizza.

Friday~Was Six Flags day. Sadly I don't have any pictures of the day except for the one I bought at the park. Jason prefers me not to take the camera because I am a little clumsy.

I was a great Spring Break. Now 7 more weeks of 1st grade.....The countdown has begun.