Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Winter Break

Winter break this year was more like a pre-spring break. Weather was awesome!! I had a few activities planned which of course included the zoo. My kids love the zoo. We took a friend from Jackson's baseball team & his sister who is Nathan's age & they play together at practice. So it was perfect. Most the animals were out but the best part was the rock climbing wall. Everytime we go Jackson attempts it & gets further each try. Well, last time we went he made it to the top. I was hoping he would make the top again but you never know. Attitude comes up & he starts to say he can't do it. But he made it. Not once but twice & not on the "easy" side. He told me later that night that he's gonna try the hard side next time.

Nathan is still a little small for the wall but in his mind he is the size of an elphant so of course he gets to try. They put him on the wall & he takes a step & turns to smile. That's it for him but at least he tried.

I quit. I'm not playing anymore!!

Yes you read the title right. It was a rough practice last week for Mr. Nathan. It was a later practice & he missed his nap so cranky doesn't even describe it. Coach was hitting a few balls to the kids & Nathan was getting to the ball first. The little boy next to him kept getting to it & after about 5 hits Nathan takes his glove off throws it on the ground and announces to everyone "I quit. I'm not playing baseball anymore!" It was quite funny and after a talk with me we got back out there & he's loving it more & more everyday.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nathan's Playing Ball!!

Time has finally come for Nathan to start ball. He has been talking about playing for quite some time now. He had his 1st practice this week. He seemed pretty excited that it until it was time to start. He ran off the field crying. No biggie. He sat with me & we waited until his friend Riley got there. He has been playing with Riley ever since Jackson started playing ball. Riley's older brother plays with Jackson so they know each other pretty good. Riley gets there & takes off to the field. Nathan wasn't far behind. Once out there he had a ball. Loved every minute & did everything Coach told him to do. Jason & I think Nathan is gonna be the kid that attacks every ball hit. Which at this age it's ok.

Getting cleats on for practice

Baseball ready....trying to tell him hands on the knees. He'll get it.

Up at bat. 1st hit went almost to 2nd base!!

Nathan & his buddy Riley