Saturday, April 17, 2010

80's day

This week at school was spirit week at Jackson's school. He had hat day, silly sock day, sports day, tacky day & my favorite, 80's day. So I took off to the junk store to find something for him to wear. I found the ugliest pair of pants I could find & a very big YMCA shirt. I also found the old 80's style headband all for the total of $3.10. Can't beat that. I tried to bleach his pants but that didn't work so I tight rolled them instead and yes I remember how. Jason cut the sleeves off his shirt & the next morning I fixed his hair into a mohawk. He was really excited about that. Jackson & his friend Samuel were the only boys in class to dress up in 80's attire. Are we good Mom's or what.

Easter 2010

We had a very busy Easter this year. First up was an Easter party & egg hunt at school. He was pretty excited about it. Nathan was gonna go help but when he got up that morning he was pretty sick so Daddy took him to see the doctor. So he had to miss the school party because he has strep. Jackson had a good time & got lots of cool eggs. After the egg hunt I took him to see the Easter bunny with one of his best friends from school, Samuel. He told the Easter Bunny that his brother was sick and that is why he couldn't be there.

On Saturday we headed over to Nanny & Pop's for an Easter lunch and egg hunt. It was a great day filled with tons of great food, friends & family. This was Nathan's 1st egg hunt & it didn't take long for him to get the hang of it. Jackson on the other hand is a pro at egg hunts. By the time we left that evening both boys were worn out but excited that the Easter bunny was coming that night.

Jason had to work Sunday morning so he missed the boys getting up but Mommy took lots of pictures for him. Jackson woke his brother up & took off downstairs to see if the Easter bunny filled their wagons up again. Guess what, he did & filled them with lots of cool stuff. Not alot of candy (thank you Easter Bunny) but lots of other fun stuff.